How to Use Vine in Your Small Business Marketing

How Can a Six-Second Video Help Your Business?

Thought about using Vine for brief, sharable videos for your business? If not, you definitely should. Making these videos is most likely already within both your skill set and technology, as many are simply using their smartphones and uploading these by the boatload.

Why is everyone so all aTwitter about Vine?

So, just in case you’ve not yet delved into what exactly Vine is and what it can do for you, here’s the short version: Vine is a video sharing platform on Twitter that allows you to create and upload 6-second videos to Twitter. So what good is a 6-second video, you ask? Well, a great deal of good! Check out how a few companies are using Vine videos to further their brand, promote their goods, and otherwise promote their business: RedVines, Urban Outfitters and Nintendo.

These companies found a way for videos to help further their brand, promote their products and services, and promote their businesses in different ways. They know that this service, which is trending incredibly hot right now, can do for them. One of the major attractions of a service like Vine is the fact that getting your content in front of people is getting more and more difficult as people are less willing to take the time to read. Consumers are less eager to read, so a 6-second video is just what the doctor ordered, and you’d be surprised at a few of the ways people are using Vine. As reported by, businesses are making use of them to introduce new employees, announce events, give an insider’s look into the business, and in many cases creating short commercials to show off their latest product or service. offers even more innovative options to use Vine. Some of these include:

  • Recording customer testimonials
  • Recording short introductions from the company principals
  • Real estate professionals have found Vine useful to present virtual tours of new listings
  • Restaurants are broadcasting daily specials. Picture a scrumptious plate overlaid with the link, “Click to Smell”, which takes them to the reservation desk. Plenty of possibilities here!
  • Businesses are using Vine to show off stunning before and after pictures

The only limit here is your imagination! You can accomplish something positive for your business this afternoon if you take action. Get going with Vine today!