Increase employee motivation with these 4 techniques

Inspiring employees can sometimes be hard to do when you’re running a small business. Funds are usually limited and there is not a lot of time to spare. Keeping your employees motivated, however, is imperative to the success of your business.

There are a number of ways to motivate employees that don’t include big bonuses or expensive benefits. A hand-written thank you letter can go a long way when it comes to showing employee appreciation. Here are a few other ideas:

1. Ask for input

It means a great deal to most employees to know that their thoughts and opinions are taken into consideration. By asking for input and implementing the best suggestions, you are showing them that you value their opinions and that they play a substantial role in the company.

2. Change it up

Sometimes repetition can lead to a reduction in motivation. When this happens, it’s essential to remember the cause for the waning motivation and mix things up a little. If you know an employee is eager to exercise a certain skill, try giving him or her a project that allows for that.

3. Focus on a great company culture

Some of the best companies to work at are those that employees feel are unique. Developing a great company culture can actually be quite simple and may help you to find and retain strong employees. A game room where employees can take a break and decompress when they’re feeling burned out can do wonders.

4. Recognize people for a job well done

Working hard on something often feels like it was all for nothing if you are not acknowledged for doing it well. That’s why it is so critical to show some sort of recognition for your employees to keep them working just as hard.

Something as simple as bringing up their achievements at a company-wide meeting or sending around an email recognizing their triumphs can make them feel appreciated. Although they may shy away from attention, they will likely be pleased to know that they’re being recognized.

All of these techniques are easy, affordable and can do wonders when it comes to motivating employees. Explore one or two of these ideas to see how they may affect employee morale and motivation.

For more examples of inexpensive employee motivators, check out this article.