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The Ins and Outs of Virtual Teams

The way companies are organized has changed as technology has grown. We often see companies reorganizing their teams into virtual teams, often known as geographically dispersed teams (GDT). This permits people in different countries to collaborate on a single project. Like most things in life, there are advantages and disadvantages to this style of team […]

Will another tech bubble pop

Are we in the midst of a 1990s-style tech bubble? Some experts think so. Try this: Check out Google News and enter a search for ‘tech bubble.’ You’ll get a large amount of results. Fresh results. But let’s pause for second. What, exactly, is a tech bubble? Here’s Investopedia’s definition: “Tech Bubble – a pronounced […]

What is a QR Code

Have you noticed those strange black, square-shaped symbols popping up all over the place lately? They’re called QR codes, and they’re an extremely advanced version of the common grocery store barcode. Originally created in Japan to help keep track of car parts, the QR code is quickly becoming a globally recognized interactive advertising tool. What […]

Stay Connected, Stay Sane

We are living in an age of connectivity. Regardless of where we go or what we do, being connected is only the press of a button away. If someone needs to transfer information to us, they only have to choose by which device to do so. We can be called, chatted, emailed, texted and even […]

The Rise of the Tablet

Hold on a second — are tablets productivity boosters? You’re not alone if you thought tablets were merely shiny toys for consuming media. Most of the television spots promoting these gadgets show game playing, video watching, and web surfing — and not much in the way of work. But that hasn’t stopped businesses from adopting […]

Spam, the world wide web, and the future

Traditional spamming consists of sending out an extremely high frequency of emails from a spam-hosted account. In the early days of the Internet, the was an extremely profitable, though illegal, enterprize model. However, the Internet has developed to a point where this practice is no longer viable. This doesn’t mean the Internet will soon be […]

What is the Internet

Sometimes the most basic questions are the hardest to answer. For example: What is the Internet? Um … it’s that thing we can’t imagine living without. It’s how we work, buy stuff, watch videos, communicate, share memories, conduct research, tell jokes, catch up with friends, etc. In 1995, 15 percent of adults were online. Now, […]

What on earth is consumer-based technology

Technological growth is now motivated by consumer trends. Companies like Apple, Google and Microsoft are all growing because of the innovations being made in line with consumer demands. These consumer-based technologies are providing fantastic advancements and creating deeper levels of practical implication. A great example of this is the Google search engine. At the core […]

A brand new kind of resume

A resume is not a medium in which creativity is widely expressed. It’s usually just a document containing important information such as work history, awards gained or practical skills. More often than not, it’s a page or two of white stock paper covered in 12 point Times New Roman. This tradition is born from universal […]

The dawn of a new Internet

In the forseeable future, you might start to see websites that end in .food or .microsoft. After In a special session on Monday, June 20, the Internet’s governing body voted 13-1 to allow, in theory, an near-infinite number of new domain endings. ICANN, known formally as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, calls […]