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The Future of Voice Search

The Internet has become an increasingly accessible source of information as more and more mobile devices have been designed with online features. Smartphones are becoming more commonplace and are challenging developers to create new ways in which we can interact with the Internet from a mobile device. Once such advancement is voice search, a technological […]

How you can use web videos for your business

Web video is a very basic and effective way to convey information about a business, yet many businesses still aren’t utilizing it. If you’ve been wondering how you can use videos for your business, take a look at these great examples. Testimonials Testimonials are a great way to share your company’s success stories with prospective […]

Possess the Best Attitude for the Job

Having the right attitude for business is an essential part of getting ahead. Succeeding in business is often just as much about hard work as it is personality, because almost all business includes dealing with people. You could even say it is a sign of hard work when a worker has an excellent work attitude. […]

IPv6 – what does it mean?

You’ve most likely heard over the last few weeks that the Internet will soon be experiencing a big change. The modification you’ve been hearing about is the transition to IPv6, which many people are still puzzled by. Read on for an explanation of IPv6 and what it could mean for you. What it is IPv6 […]

Tablet PCs: Tool or Toys?

Though still a young technology, computer tablets have become one of the most popular items in the tech world since the introduction of the iPad. As the industry has grown, so have the options, with tablets being offered by Microsoft, Android and Motorola.  However, popularity doesn’t always equal practicality. The iPad may one day be […]

A deeper look into NFC mobile chips

The payment systems we use are not especially complicated, but what if they could be even more straightforward? NFC (Near Field Communication) technology is hoping to accomplish that. NFC mobile chips hope to change our current payment systems by letting us transmit data from one device to another, at close range. How will we use […]

Why you should use a workflow chart

You may not realize how many processes you have memorized for your day-to-day routine and there are probably a lot. Those processes usually include a lot of intricate steps, which can make explaining or recreating that process challenging at times. Fortunately, workflow charts are here to make it easier. What are they? A flowchart is […]

4 tech phrases you should know

For most us, technology is fairly common in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, we often are uncertain about what the terms pertaining to technology actually mean. This mini glossary of tech terms can help you to understand some of the most common terms.   Cookies Cookies are what allow websites to know who you are. If […]

5 social media terms you should know

Social media is something that exists in most of our lives, whether we like it or not. Unfortunately, many of us still have no clue what most of the terms surrounding social media mean. This simple guide can reduce some of that uncertainty by explaining some of the more common social media terms. 1. Tag […]

Tips for avoiding employee burnout

Employee burnout is something that many of us have seen in others or experienced ourselves. Repetitive tasks and overwhelming workloads can quickly get the best of us. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple ways to both combat and prevent employee burnout before anybody reaches his or her breaking point. Preventing burnout Have fun – Making […]