The Growing Remote Workforce

A growing number of employees nowadays work remotely. This is possible on account of advancements in technology. The benefits are many for both employee and employer. Employers can spend less money as they have less people that need space in the workplace. Employees that work remotely are often more productive; they spend less time commuting, and they have the flexibility to adjust their work around their life rather than working 9 hours straight, which can lead to burnout.

Remote Worker Challenges

A major concern for many managers when deciding to have remote workers is, how do you monitor their work? How do you know that they are actually working and not just watching movies all day?

One easy way to keep track of the amount of work being completed by remote workers is to set realistic goals that they must hit. This puts the emphasis on the results and helps prevent the manager from worrying about it, provided that the goals are being met. This also gives the employee flexibility to work inside the hours they are most effective.

Setting Remote Worker Deadlines

This is most likely the easiest way to monitor your remote workers. Employers may decide that a specific amount of work needs to be turned in by Friday. One other way would be to set up weekly or bi-weekly meetings via phone or video chat. To resolve any feelings of disconnect some employers may ask that a remote worker spend one day a week in the workplace. This can help keep everyone on course and informed.

Off-Site Not a Permanent Condition

While many people may have the personal discipline and time management skills to effectively work remotely, some don’t. So, if an employee doesn’t work effectively remotely, and that has grown to be obvious, remote working doesn’t have to stay permanent, it can easily be revoked. Ultimately, trust within the employee/employer relationship is among the key elements of a effective remote working relationship. The worker needs to preserve that trust by hitting deadlines and delivering excellent work.