Think Yelp Doesn’t Matter for Your Local Business? Think Again!  

Why Your Business Should Care About Yelp

You may be of the opinion that the time of Yelp has passed, and that it’s not useful these days. You’d be wrong.

If you have a local business, Yelp is more important than ever before for the reputation and marketing of your business, and if you don’t believe us, just ask your competition! We would like to present you with a ton of reasons why your business should care about Yelp. Hopefully it opens up your eyes with regards to the opportunity that is still found on Yelp. So here goes!

10 good reasons to use Yelp more than ever!

  • 90 percent of Yelp users report that reading positive reviews influences their purchasing decisions and the lion’s share of these reviews are written.
  • 93 percent of folks that search review sites usually make purchases at the businesses for they investigate.
  • There is an average $8,000 increase in annual revenues for businesses that use Yelp.
  • There is a $23,000 increase in revenues for businesses that choose to use Yelp advertising.
  • 77 percent of Yelp users say that they have a renewed and more concentrated customer service initiative after using Yelp.
  • In spite of all these numbers, a full 87 percent of small businesses have yet to embrace Yelp.
  • Reviews by your guests that compliment your “customer service” in the review are considerably more likely to offer those coveted 5 star reviews.
  • Each star produces a 5-9 percent leap in resulting revenues.
  • Yelp favors small businesses over the McDonalds of the world.
  • Yelp’s fantastic new “Call to Action” button brings customers directly from your Yelp page to your website where a transaction can take place.

Yelp is far from over in the online review space. It still delivers a enormous opportunity for small business. As many online shoppers gravitate to online reviews and base their buying decisions on them, it would be financially careless to not use such a fantastic site for positive feedback about your brand. Yelp offers you the opportunity to engage with the public you seek to attract in a substantial and palpable way.