A deeper look into NFC mobile chips

The payment systems we use are not especially complicated, but what if they could be even more straightforward? NFC (Near Field Communication) technology is hoping to accomplish that. NFC mobile chips hope to change our current payment systems by letting us transmit data from one device to another, at close range.

How will we use it?

NFC mobile chips will be incorporated into smartphones to make it easier than ever to pay for your groceries. Most of us have our phones with us at all times anyway, so using them to pay for everything seems like the next plausible step.

By integrating NFC chips into smartphones, users will be able to store their credit card information on their phones. Then, when they are at a business that utilizes the technology, they can simply scan their phones to purchase at the register.

Google Wallet

Google Wallet is the first debut into mobile payment technology by a major player in the tech industry. It is available on the Android Nexus S and may soon work on other smartphones, thanks to an NFC-enabled sticker. A great deal of major retailers have already signed on to work with Google Wallet.

There have long been rumors of Apple building their own mobile payment system for the iPhone, and RIM will almost certainly be following suit. Because mobile payments are such a significant advancement, it’s unlikely that other smartphone makers will open their phones up to Google’s technology.

Other potential uses

NFC mobile chips will likely soon be doing much more than just helping you pay for your coffee. Some of those future uses include:

  • Replace passports and boarding passes
  • Products may contain RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags on them that you can scan as a way to gather information.
  • Pet tags may soon have RFID tags attached that you can scan if you find a lost puppy.
  • Replace keys – no more clunky key chains!

NFC mobile chips are undoubtedly going to make a significant difference in everyday routines and activities.

For more information on NFC mobile chips and how they work, check out this article.