Why you should use a workflow chart

You may not realize how many processes you have memorized for your day-to-day routine and there are probably a lot. Those processes usually include a lot of intricate steps, which can make explaining or recreating that process challenging at times. Fortunately, workflow charts are here to make it easier.

What are they?

A flowchart is essentially a diagram that outlines processes with differently shaped boxes (steps in the process are usually square while decisions are usually indicated with a diamond) and arrows that connect those boxes. They are great tools when it comes to managing or outlining processes. For an example of a flowchart, click here.


  • Very straightforward way of conveying a process as the symbols are generally universally understood
  • Once it has been made, the process will often take less time than before
  • Helps users understand how each step impacts an entire process


  • Can be difficult to create, especially when the processes are more complicated
  • If you don’t have the proper software, this can be a very long process

How to create one

Creating a workflow chart is easier than you may think. If you are using flowchart software you are often walked right through the process, making it rather simple. When using flowchart software, it is always best to outline the chart on paper first so it doesn’t get too messy.

Begin by thinking about the starting point of a process and the ending point, and all of the different steps it takes to get there. Some steps will allow for alternative courses of action. In those cases, you should show the different choices by using multiple arrows. To see what different flowchart icons mean, take a look at this eHow article.

Since workflow charts break everything down step-by-step, they can be extremely helpful when it comes to improving productivity and speeding up everyday processes.

If you’d like more information on how to create a workflow chart, take a look at this article.