Do You Know What They’re Saying About You?

What You Don’t Know About Your Social Media Can Hurt You!

Social media happens in the wink of an eye. Word travels so fast that you might go to bed feeling wonderful and wake up to a firestorm. This can be certainly apt to be true if you are not in the practice of routinely monitoring your social media channels. Keeping track of the conversations about you and/or your brand online can be far more than a reputation management best practice. Attention given to those looking for information early in the sales process can result in a significant increase in conversions. Primarily, however, this is about creating a firewall between trouble and you. Cutting the bad news off at the pass is the objective here, and there are some quite simple ways to manage this, which of course is everyone’s concern. It doesn’t have to take all day, as shown in this HubSpot article.

How to keep up with your social media online

  • Use available tools such as TweetDeck or HootSuite to monitor social media mentions of on several platforms. They are easy to configure, and allow you to see quickly a broad summary of what’s happening across your social channels.
  • Since Google has recently decided to end Google Reader and Google Alerts seems to be broken, marketers who have relied on these useful services are left scrambling to find viable alternatives to get and read newsfeeds. A few you might consider are NewsBlur, AOL Reader and for mobile, Flipboard. For Google Alerts try TalkWalker or Social Mention.
  • Make sure you check your blogs, social networks, videos, and your Facebook pages for questions or concerns. Answering and dealing with issues at the early stages can help you avoid trouble and also lead to greater sales and conversions.

Monitoring your social media world doesn’t have to take hours or anything special other than diligence. The key is getting and staying organized, and making use of the tools available to make this task less time-consuming. The benefits far outweigh the hassle!

5 Tips for Developing a Raving Fanbase

How to Hook Your Customers for Life!

If you’re looking for new ways to grow your revenues, then you need look no further than your current customer base! You would be hard pressed to find a better method to market your company than through the words and actions of your current and former customers extolling your virtues! And you know what, most of the time it won’t cost you a dime!

Here are five tips to get your customers bragging about you and your brand.

  1. Strive to be remarkable – If your business isn’t trying to be flat out memorable in all you do, it will likely be hard to create raving fans. There are ordinary businesses anywhere you look; it’s your job to go that one step further, give that extra effort, and give them a good reason to tout your business. What’s nice though is that this will pay off exponentially!
  2. Connect with social media – Make sure you’re engaging with your customers using social media. Frequently companies will set up social channels, and then neglect them, often at their peril, as these can be conduits to problems, opportunities and relationships. Your customers will use them, to be sure, if they have a problem with you, so make sure you get ahead of this.
  3. Deal with problems proactively – If you do have a problem, addressing it quickly, professionally and generously is far and away the best way to score a few points with not only the customer in question, but all those who happen to view or hear about this, often through the customers themselves, whether good or bad!
  4. Ask for reviews – Unquestionably the best place to generate great buzz about your products and services is through the reports and reviews of your current and former buyers. Make sure you encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews, both on the site as well as on merchant review sites like Yelp. This can help immeasurably, and over 90 percent of people search for reviews before shopping.
  5. Treat your customers like you want to be treated – only better! – Developing a relationship with your customers, in which you regularly connect with them by asking opinions and offering free advice, is the foundation for fostering the kind of goodwill it takes for them to become a raving fan of your brand. Get enough of them shouting your virtues from the rooftops, and your worries are over!

Is Your Website Costing You Sales?

Is Your Website Costing You Sales?

It’s hard enough to get traffic and develop a workable sales funnel. Don’t make it harder by shooting yourself in the foot by having a dysfunctional and wholly inefficient website. Small business websites are especially vulnerable to these types of mistakes, as they may not have the technical expertise of larger businesses available to make sure they are properly functional. To that end, below are some tips that will help you make your site appealing and useful to your visitors, and ultimately result in more sales and conversions.

7 Tips for improved website conversion

  1. Fresh Content – Nothing screams “Let me out of here!” like content that hasn’t been updated since 2010. Updating your sites’ content doesn’t just help you with sales and conversion, but with search rankings also. This applies to products or courses that are no longer available as well. Take them off.
  2. Lousy website navigation – Make sure that any visitor to your pages can navigate your site effortlessly and efficiently. Have a link to your home page from EVERY page. If you make it hard to get around, they just won’t even try.
  3. Boring pages – Be sure you use white space liberally. Split up long chunks of text into digestible pieces, and make good use of sub-headlines. (also a search benefit) Don’t litter your pages with ads, since this is another guaranteed way to send visitors packing.
  4. Have a mobile version of your website – Since we’re in a day and age when more than 50 percent of all of all search traffic comes from a mobile device, wouldn’t it be smart to have a mobile version? Just sayin…
  5. Too Much Flash – There are two major problems with Flash. Simply put, cram enough of it on your page and it’ll take eons to load. Also, Google has a tough time indexing flash.
  6. Broken Links – If you have broken links that don’t get the visitor where they want to go, they just go elsewhere!
  7. Calls to Action – Probably the number one conversion killer is not having strong and effective calls to action, and in most cases more than one!

This is but a short list, but definitely plenty to get you on the right track. Don’t make it more challenging than it is: optimize your site today!

Dropbox’s big photo-sharing plans

Cloud-based file-sharing service Dropbox has rapidly developed into a favorite of computer users thanks to its simpleness and power. But now Dropbox has a new mission, as outlined by TechCrunch writer Matthew Panzarino. According to him, the company now would like to be the cloud’s default photo-sharing service. And, due to a new Mac app that automatically detects, uploads and produces shared links for the screenshots you produce on your computer, Dropbox is a step closer to fulfilling this goal.


It’s true that a fairly small group of users rely heavily enough on screenshots to make this app worth it. Journalists, app developers and heavy Twitter users are three such groups. But, as Panzarino writes, that’s not the point: The app is simply one more bit of evidence that Dropbox has its sights set on becoming the top photo-sharing solution.

A future of ease?

If Dropbox reaches this goal, it could definitely make your life simpler. It’s a pain right now to save, store and send photos. Dropbox’s hope is that one day every photo you shoot will be automatically uploaded to Dropbox. That’s good for Dropbox, of course. It’s great for the service’s users, also.


It’s difficult to predict the future, but it really does look bright for Dropbox. The cloud is huge with consumers today. And few products have taken advantage of that like Dropbox.

How to Keep Visitors from Leaving Your Site!

3 Great Tips for Keeping People from Leaving Your Site Quickly

What is your bounce rate and why does it matter? Your bounce rate is the rate at which visitors depart from your web pages. A look at your Google Analytics may reveal some rather sobering information to you. If you have a bounce rate anywhere around 50 percent, then it’ obvious you ought to make some changes!

Why is your bounce rate important?

First of all, Google has made the bounce rate a component of its search engine ranking algorithm, and a site that sports a high bounce rate may have its pages driven into oblivion. What’s worse, since most people are exiting shortly after they get there, odds are your site isn’t accomplishing what you’d like it to. There are cases when a high bounce rate can be caused by your site’s pages loading slowly, but if that’s not the case, we’re offering three good ideas to keep people from leaving your pages quickly.

  • Employ videos – Video is demonstrated to be a beneficial factor in retaining people on your pages longer. Videos as well as other multimedia content will keep users engaged, increase traffic and quite possibly increase sales and other desirable actions. YouTube embeds could also help your search rankings in both YouTube and Google. It’s interesting how the exact same content of 1500 to 2000 words watched in a video, audio or other multimedia fashion will result in a far different outcome.
  • Make better and more easily readable content – Often content is posted onto a web page as one big chunk. Do your best to split your content into shorter, more readable paragraphs, and make use of subheads, bullet points or lists to break up the monotony. Images help convey points also, and are visually appealing to the eye.
  • Highlight related content within your site – Very often you will have content on your site that’s directly related to the piece at hand. Be sure you link to other content on your site that folks might be interested in, and give them a reason to stick around! This could be as easy a fix as using a Related Post plugin if you have a WordPress blog.

How to Use Google Analytics in Your Small Business

Google Analytics for Small Business 101

If you ask a typical already-overwhelmed small business owner if they’d like to begin using Google Analytics, the common response is one of wide-eyed fear, dreading taking on the mountains of data that Analytics can supply. Who’s got time to learn new things when there is work to get done? The fact is, Google Analytics can help make that work proceed far more efficiently and of course profitably, if you’re willing to jump in and start using it in a focused, specific manner. Begin with asking the right questions: what are my goals, and what do I need to know to achieve them, and which of these website metrics can help me make it happen.

Understanding which metrics you need

While each business will present somewhat different needs, the more useful common needs follow.

  • Total visits – Knowing how many visitors you get is a basic measurement of success, assuming they are targeted visitors. Look at both “unique” (first time) visitors, and total visits, which includes returnees.
  • Keyword phrases – Understanding which keyword phrases are driving traffic to your page is paramount. This data will help you know how to target your primary and secondary keywords.
  • Popular pages – Which of your pages are getting the most notice, and which aren’t!
  • Visitors geo-location – Which countries are creating the most traffic for you?
  • Referring pages – Which pages are sending you the most traffic? This might be from any number of sources, including affiliates, video, images, social media and more.
  • Search engine traffic – Which search engines are delivering the most visitors.

Use these advanced Google Analytics features to help sort the data

Three handy advanced features are extremely useful for processing and understanding this data.

Custom reports offers the cabability to create a version of Google Analytics just for you. You can choose the data that’s important to you, and organize it any way you like.

Advanced segmenting allows you to sort traffic into segments that highlight your data, such as segmenting out mobile or tablet traffic.

Intelligence events is similar to Google Alerts, and sends a you an email or text to your mobile device when anything out of the ordinary happens on your site, such as a spike in traffic, either up or down.

Yes, Google Analytics is a LOT of data. And yes, you can make it work for you, with just a little effort!

iPhone or iPad slow? Take these steps

Is your old iPhone or iPad sluggish? Have you detected that it’s not loading videos, playing games or scanning the Web as quickly as it used to? This isn’t unusual: Devices often slow as they age. Fortunately, you don’t always have to invest in a new iPad or iPhone. Lifehacker writer Whitson Gordon in a recent story offers tips to speed up a sluggish machine.

No Updates

It’s commendable that you’d like to stay updated on the latest offerings from Apple. But downloading that latest version of iOS might make your iPad or iPhone even slower. Simply put, the newest operating systems and upgrades are often too cumbersome for older devices. Refrain from the updates until you purchase a newer iPhone or iPad.

No Third-Party Apps

You might like third-party apps, too. But Whitson again offers some advice: Rely as much as possible on Apple’s own apps. They’re the ones created to work best with your iPhone or iPad. And if you instead rely on outside apps, you might exacerbate the sluggishness of your device.

Prune the Fat

Finally, if your iPhone or iPad is too slow, it’s time to take a critical look at the music, videos and apps you have stored on your device. Whitson suggests erasing any apps, programs or music files that you rarely access. A bit of pruning on your behalf could inject new life into your sluggish device.

What Can You Do with a Six-Second Video?

Promote Your Biz with a 6-Second Looping Video

No doubt you’ve been interested in the new Vine video platform, but you’re also a bit baffled as to how to make use of it. I mean, six seconds of video isn’t a great deal of time to utilize in any message. Even so, the truth is, the restrictions of this medium are also part of its power. Using this time judiciously has led to some innovative uses and messaging!

How other businesses are making use of Vine videos

The limitations of the platform have not prevented businesses from creating very influential videos on Vine. To the contrary, the constraints have enabled businesses to craft powerful short messages generally focused on one aspect of their business. The secret is to be imaginative and fun! Nobody is seeking an in-depth analysis of something watching a six-second Vine video: they are generally, while interested in your brand, wanting to see what’s new, fun, and happening now. Many use this platform to roll out new product lines, deliver short messages about the company, customer service videos, human interest and staff messages. Businesses both large and small are finding creative uses for Vines.

Here are a few examples:

Lowes home improvement store has built some wildly popular Vines sharing quick tips for the home, in their #lowesfixinsix Vine videos.

Bacardi is using short videos to share their favorite drink recipes featuring their rum.

One of their competitors, Malibu Rum, dove right in and created some cool refreshing Vines of their own!

Taco Bell used Vine as an integral piece of the product launch for their Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos.

General Electric is using Vine to showcase innovative videos that share science in cool ways.

Clothing retailer The Gap is employing it to tout their products, via a sort of online video catalog.

Let your imagination go wild!

Companies are employing Vine videos in many ways, from product introductions to people and company messages. The great thing is that these videos take almost no time and effort to produce. Take a trip over to Vine and find out if this sounds like something that your company can use. It won’t take much time!

Be Funny, Sell More

Get Some Laughs and Some Sales at the Same Time!

The great 19th Century Irish playwright and humorist Oscar Wilde uttered these last words: “Either this wallpaper goes, or I do.” Why some adventerous wallpaper company hasn’t used this is beyond me, nonetheless it does go to underscore the point that humor sells. Humor essentially disarms people, often by getting them to view your point in a way they hadn’t looked at before, and initiates rapport that you might have had a difficult time creating some with your latest PowerPoint filed with facts. Art Linkletter told us that laughter is the best medicine, and he was spot on. It could be the cure for what ails your business too! Let’s take a look at 4 ways to use humor in your small business marketing.

4 easy ways to use humor in your small business marketing!

Take advantage of pop culture – This is a generation which has mostly left the evening news in favor of the likes of Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert and the other night time mavens that have built careers around the daily misfortunes of celebrities, sports stars and politicians. It’s all fair game, so don’t be afraid to use your share if you can find a way to make it humorous. Getting your audience smiling and in a good spirits right from the start can go a long way toward helping build rapport with them.

Make humorous videos – It only takes a few moments on YouTube for enough evidence to persuade anybody that a funny video gets lots of eyeballs! Even the lamest concept, delivered in a quirky way will get views and be shared widely. It doesn’t require a degree in cinema to make it happen either. Many just shoot them with their cell phone, o if you want to go whole hog, use an app like GoAnimate or Xtranormal to make quick and visually interesting animated videos.

Create funny memes – Who hasn’t noticed these on Facebook and other social sites? Incorporating this concept with the millions of users on sites like Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr is a recipe for outrageous traffic numbers.

Connect with humor in your content – Don’t be scared to be a bit quirky or scandalous in your content. People connect with humor as it is a shared experience. We’ve all been through it, and humor is an excellent way to engage on a level deeper than your average marketing message!

How to Incorporate YouTube into Your Business

Why YouTube is a Smart Move for Your Business

Most of us are aware that YouTube is now the second largest search engine around, and a fantastic opportunity for helping your business achieve more leads, buyers and profits. What’s more, it isn’t all that difficult to get your head around. You can easily and quickly create videos fairly cheaply, that will communicate on various platforms in unison. Its possible you have already been aware of just how important YouTube can be for your business but may not understand exactly how you can assimilate it into your operations.

Let’s look at 7 ways you can incorporate YouTube into your business quickly and profitably.

  1. Create videos of your products and services – Here’s your opportunity to show your stuff in action. Work to make these videos fun, and not overly technical. Emphasize what benefits they can bring to the buyers.
  2. Drive lots of traffic – Videos can drive LOTS of traffic! Make sure you properly optimize your YouTube videos, and learn the specifics of what it requires to rank them well. Just so you know, it’s far easier to rank a video than it is a web page. Something to think about.
  3. Create a dedicated YouTube channel for your brand – Making a specific YouTube channel for your business can help in many ways, particularly in Google rankings. YouTube is also a social network, so you would be smart to keep an eye on any comments that pop up on your videos and channel.
  4. Introduce both you and your staff to add authenticity – Putting a face to the business does wonders for creating know, like and trust!
  5. Create tip videos – Use this platform to generate legions of views and viewers by creating tip videos that showcase your knowledge in helpful ways your people are searching for.
  6. Link to your videos with social media – These days it’s very important to link our properties together, in order to create not only better search rankings, but also social media traffic. Be sure to include links on your social media sites!
  7. Create videos for customer testimonials – A awesome way to build trust and create a few raving fans is by using videos for customer testimonials. This provides you with fantastic social proof about your products and services, helping to get the word out faster.